Tri-City Chinese Baptist Church

His Memory — Bethel Poon

By Bethel Poon, 10/26/2020

When we were little, Dad would play with us. We had a game where he would pretend to be a Tai Chi sword master and we would have to dodge his sword as he swings it around himself. Another game we played was Big Bear. He would pretend to be a bear and chase us around. If he caught us, we had to play dead. But as we got older, we interacted less and less. Partly due to work then due to cancer. In the past few years, I didn’t converse with him much. Even so, I knew he loved us. He would ask how my job searches are going, how am I going to pay for rent, and amongst other things. What he couldn’t say with words he said them with actions. He supported all of us, even though his body and mind were failing. A father then and a father now. Forever in heaven and in our hearts.

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