September 4, 2020
Dear TCCBC church family,
Greetings in the Lord to you and your family! We are grateful to God’s leading in last Saturday’s first online Concert of Prayer. We had 46 unique viewers in the first 24 hours. Of course, we understand that the number of participants in prayer meetings does not matter as much as our prayerful hearts to petition before God. I especially want to thank Wayne and Pat Wong who produced the online content for us, and much appreciation to those who helped on the production, taking us inside the chamber of intimate prayers to our Lord through wonderful hymns and music.
The general giving to our church has been below our budget the past few months because of the pandemic. But we thank God that we not only met our budget in August, we exceeded the budget by $3,105.99. This is an inspiration to us. It enables us to feel the unspoken love from our brothers and sisters toward God through their generous giving even in the midst of difficulties. May God remember their acts of love.
As mentioned to brothers and sisters before, the search for our English Pastor and Cantonese Pastor has started in earnest. Please pray for the members in the Pastoral Search Committee. Because of the confidential nature on personnel matters during the early stages of the candidacy process, it is inappropriate to share the specifics openly. But as soon as the committee has determined a suitable candidate, we will be introducing him to our brothers and sisters. The process may take a while, but it can be short also. It all depends on God’s leading and confirmation. But when the time comes, God will certainly be bringing His chosen pastors among us to shepherd His sheep.
Entering September also means the arrival of fall. The weather will slowly turn cooler. Hopefully, the pandemic will not worsen from the change of season. It is good to see the lessening of infections in the past two to three weeks. Reports also indicated that stage 3 of vaccine testing has started in the U.S. With favorable test results, production can begin shortly. Regardless of whether it is as optimistic as it was reported, we need to pray that the pandemic in the U.S. will be gone soon, and our society return to normal. And we are hopeful that we can reopen our church to worship, fellowship and be filled with the joy of serving.
As the school year begins, so does AWANA in the church. Even though we are unable to meet in the church due to the pandemic, we are grateful to the teachers and staff for making online arrangements to meet with the children and their parents. If you are interested in registering your children for AWANA, please use the following link:
We will be having Holy Communion in all three worship services this coming Sunday. Just like before, please prepare your hearts, the bread and the juice, and remember the grace and sacrificial redemption from our Lord Jesus at the Holy Communion service.
With you in the blessed love of our Lord,
Job Lee
Pastor Job Lee, Senior Pastor
With fellow church leadership team
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